Sunday 24 March 2013

Why do women earn less than men?

In an earlier blog post, I mentioned how men seem to earn more than women.
According to Warren Farrel, the author of many books including, Why Men Earn More, the reason women earn less than men is not because of gender discrimination, but due to a women's own individual choices and actions. Apparently more women tend to work in areas which earn less pay, so even if men and women have the same educational background, their choices of work is what causes the difference in their pay.

There are also many instances where women earn more than men. Apparently females who have never married earn 17 percent more than men who've never married, and that female sales engineers earn more than men because they're better at communicating.

The video shown below further talks about why women earn less than men:
Personally, I'd like to hope these are the real reasons why women earn less than men, rather than because of more gender discrimination.


  1. News, CBC. "Why Do Women Earn Less than Men?" CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 27 Feb. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2013.

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