Thursday 21 March 2013

As an employee, how do you deal with gender discrimination at work?

What do you do if you are faced with gender discrimination or gender bias at work?

In a Human Resource Management course I took, I remember learning "Silence equals permission".If you remain quiet about this discrimination, you're basically giving the person discriminating against you permission to continue.
If you're already employed, and a fellow co-worker is showing discrimination against you, you should tell them to stop.  If they continue to do so, you should file a complaint to your supervisor, or to your human resources department.
You should also make sure to note down all the details of the time you were shown gender discrimination, such as the date, time, location, any witnesses who saw the incident, etc.
If your complaint goes unnoticed, you should consider filing a complaint with a government agency.

If you need help, you should discuss the issue with someone you trust, and don't ever keep such incidents to your self.

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