Tuesday 19 March 2013

Gender Discrimination

Discrimination due to one's gender is still really common in the workplace today.

There are several ways gender discrimination can take place:

  1. Direct discrimination: This is when it is quite obvious that gender discrimination is occurring. I may into further detail about this example in the future, but one example of direct discrimination is how in some situations men earn more than women.
  2. Indirect discrimination: This is when a company makes certain rules that imply that people of a certain gender cannot quality for whatever the company if offering.
  3. Harassment: Sexual and verbal harassment due to one's gender. Harassment includes making sexual jokes, making unnecessary physical contact, repeatedly asking for dates and refusing to take "no" for an answer, calling people sex-specific derogatory names, etc. You can read more about harassment at the workplace over here
  4. Victimization: This is unfair treatment due to one's gender.
Now here's the thing: Anyone can be subjected to gender discrimination. Not just women, which I'm sure many people seem to think. I found an article, which you can read right here, which talks about the discrimination against men.

I found this part of the article very interesting:

"Sexual discrimination is rife in certain professions but it affects men as well as women, according to research which challenges the traditional notion that women are the only victims of sexism in job applications.
Researchers found significant evidence of a bias against men in jobs for chartered accountants and computer analysts, which are already considered more gender neutral than some. While women are being passed over for engineering jobs because of their gender, men are even more likely to be turned away from secretarial posts. The study blames embedded ideas about what jobs men and women should do, or "occupational segregation"."
The "occupational segregation" mentioned above can be seen in my previous post

Have you ever been subjected to gender discrimination?

  1. Curtis, Polly. "Sex Discrimination at Work Hits Men Too." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 24 Feb. 2006. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2006/feb/25/discriminationatwork.workandcareers1
  1. Manohar, Uttara. "Gender Discrimination at Workplace." Buzzle. Buzzle.com, 06 Mar. 2012. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. http://www.buzzle.com/articles/gender-discrimination-at-workplace.html

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