Saturday 16 March 2013

So the other day, I read an anonymous comment on the Internet stating that women did not take occupations that involve heavy-lifting (such as construction) as seriously as men did. They gave an example of a female bus driver who required help from male students to help her change a flat tire, due to the inability of being able to life the spare herself. It is a fact that men are physically stronger than women, and while I do believe this, I don’t think that females are incapable of doing physical work. In my opinion, it all comes down to the individual their self, and how much hard work they put into their job. Just because one female driver is incapable of changing a flat tire, doesn't mean all women are.

Anyways, reading about this situation got me thinking. If people believe that women do not take certain jobs seriously and that’s why they shouldn't take up certain occupations, what other reasons are there?I found a chart depicting other factors which “hinder a women’s professional development”.

Source: Focus Bari, 2010
*click to view full-size image

Now, if we view this same chart, but divide the reasons up by gender:

Source: Focus Bari, 2010
*click to view full-size image

What's your opinion on this?


  1. "Stereotypes about Gender and Work." Stereotypes about Gender and Work. N.p., 23 June 2010. Web. 16 Mar. 2013.

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